Rebekah (Beks) Walne is a highly experienced education professional with a BA (Hons) in Education.
She has an extensive background across both mainstream and private education sectors, with a particular focus on enhancing teaching quality and educational outcomes.
In her role as Lead Teacher at a Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) school, Beks was responsible for the oversight of teacher planning, assessment, and teaching practice, promoting effective teaching practices that include structured activities for developing specific skills, as well as flexible, exploratory tasks that foster creativity and critical thinking. She also played a critical role in supporting schools across the country with OFSTED preparation, ensuring adherence to the highest teaching standards.
Outside of her teaching career, Beks has transitioned into entrepreneurial ventures, where she is preparing to launch a creative curriculum business aimed at delivering outstanding lessons and resources to elevate teaching standards nationwide.
With significant expertise in working with pupils with developmental and behavioural challenges, Beks is well-positioned to offer strategic guidance as an adviser on the RLE board, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, inclusive education for all learners.
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